Vegetable Seed
We specialise in growing Vegetable seed, with emphasis on high value hybrids which are produced for leading international seed companies. Our investment in Research and Development, particularly for hybrid crops is critical for implementing the best agronomy management to produce superior quality and yield.
Research and Agronomy
Midlands has a strong focus on research to ensure successful hybrid seed production and the best agronomic practises. Our skilled Agronomists have many years of experience with specialist crops and local knowledge, we have excellent relationships with local grow suppliers, maintaining the reputation of Midlands Seed as one of Australia’s leading seed production company. Buyers are continually updated on the crop prospects and encouraged to visit the growing sites. We have a commitment to quality including the post-harvest supervision of cleaning and processing of the product to meet the customers’ requirements
We offer the following Autumn and Spring Sown Vegetable Seed Crops.
Autumn Sown Crops
- Cereals (Wheat, Barley, Oats & Ryecorn)
- Clover
- Lupins
- Canola*
- Ryegrass
Spring Sown Crops
- Cereals (Wheat & Barley)
- Chinese Cabbage*
- Chinese Kale*
- Chinese Mustard
- Chinese Radish
- Chinese Rape
- Choi Sum
- Garden Peas
- Hemp Seed
- Canola*
- Pak Choi*
All products listed are GM free.
Products marked with a * are available Hybrid and OP.

Packaging Options
We provide standard packing options when it comes to bulk delivery. Orders are packed into containers or pellets in sacks, or in larger bulk bags. Sizes include;
- 25kg Polypropylene Sacks
- 500kg Bulk Bags
- 1000kg Bulk Bags
Other selected packaging options available on request.